Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 1 Part 2-izzle

So after our relaxing time in the hotel, we headed down to the pier. It took us about 15 minutes of searching, but we found it...the ice bar! It's called Minus 5 Degrees (but it was actually -7 when we were in there). It was pretty cool actually!! It was a small room and everything, even the glasses, were made of ice. I got to buy my first legal alcoholic drink (yay!) and even though we went at 3 pm when no one else was there (which was quite lame), I had fun!

After that adventure, we headed over to the ferry station and bought tickets to Waiheke island. It was absolutely beautiful over there. We walked up and down a loooot of hills and got to see wineries and vinyards and such. Behind one winery was a cool Kinetic Statue Garden or something...anyway, every single one of the sculptures moved when the wind blew, it was very pretty. After that we went to this really cool, really long beach with sailboats offshore and my mom played in the ocean! Yay!

That's pretty much it...we're freakin exhausted and it's only 8:30 pm. We're gonna get dinner then head to bed cause it's gonna be a loooong day tomorrow!

Also, I feel like I'm posting too much so I'm gonna try to keep it down to one post a day....

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