Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm done!!

So I had the last of my finals a couple days ago!!!! Whew, it feels good to be done with school over here! I now have 8 days left in Australia and I'm getting kind of sad! I went out with my friends to a mexican restaurant called Taco Bill's earlier tonight where we had a really huge plate of nachos and a really huge margarita which we all shared. This week I'm just planning on spending my remaining days with people and souvenir shopping for everyone back home! (but i really suck at souvenir shopping so don't expect anything very interesting). Also, a group of us are going to have a christmas barbecue before everyone leaves because it's winter down here and it feels like christmas! we actually saw people selling roasted chestnuts on the streets tonight... Anyway, I'm just chilling out for a week and then it's back to the good ol' US of A.